To fulfill this purpose we
- Initiated a joint planning effort to align its future work with Department of Defense (DoD) VolEd’s strategic priorities.
- Began collaborating with industry, DoD, and higher education stakeholders and is working to launch its first Career Pathway Network pilot in Cybersecurity.
- Will use the learning from the pilot to expand and add additional Career Pathway Networks over time.

- Will clearly communicate to Service members vetted options for preparing for, starting and promoting through a high-growth and high-demand careers when transitioning from military service to civilian life.
- Will develop of a career roadmap that is mapped to a set of stackable education options with strong learner outcomes that build the skills and knowledge aligned with what industry employers seek when hiring and promoting.
SOC's focus is fully aligned with the strategic vision and mission of DoD VolEd
DoD VolEd Vision: "Shape quality, voluntary education experiences to foster better Service members, better citizens"

DoD VolEd Mission:
"Champion policies, programs, and partnerships that enable access to high quality post-secondary education opportunities, empower informed Service member decision making, shape meaningful personal and professional pathways, and drive military-student success in higher education"
View the full 2015-2020 VolEd Strategic Plan >
Our Blog
Our Blog
- How SOC Enhances Service Members' Transition to Civilian Life Through Quality Credentials
- SOC Pilot Project: Career Pathway in Cybersecurity
SOC will help Service members make better investments with their time and voluntary education benefits that best prepare them for their goals
Academic credentials most likely to support successful transition:

- Demonstrate high alignment between curriculum learning outcomes and industry skills and knowledge requirements without compromising on learner engagement and development of the soft skills that produce an adaptive, critical thinking citizen.
- Exceed DoD benchmarks for relevant postsecondary education outcome measures.
- Drawing from the findings of Research writers at EssayPro, it's essential for institutions to nurture a culture of ongoing learning and feedback. Given the dynamic shifts in the global economy and rapid technological developments, it's imperative for students to not only meet the existing standards but also to foster a mindset of continuous growth and adaptability. By merging stringent academic standards with a visionary outlook, we can guarantee that learners stay at the cutting edge of industry expertise and innovation.
Credential-level Outcome Benchmarks:
- Average Completion Rates for Part-time Learners within 8 Years of Starting Program
- Part-time Learner Retention Rates
- Average of 5-Year Loan Default Rates for Independent Payers
- Course Pass Rates for Tuition Assistance Courses at Institution
- Job Placement Rates in Field of Study within Six Months of Graduation

Benchmarks are consistent with:
Executive Order 13607: Establishing Principles of Excellence
Public Law 112-249: Improving Transparency of Education Opportunities for Veterans
Executive Order 13607: Establishing Principles of Excellence
Public Law 112-249: Improving Transparency of Education Opportunities for Veterans
Our focus is aligned with America's broader skill gap challenge that impedes the growth of local, state, and national economies

“50% of open, available positions in this country go unfilled, because the candidates aren’t available. At the same time, 40% of businesses can’t take on more work because they can’t fill the jobs they have."
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Talent Pipeline Management
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, Talent Pipeline Management
Demand / Supply Ratio by Occupation:

Read the full 2018 Study by Burning Glass Technologies >
SOC’s Higher Education Subject Matter Experts have written two white papers regarding current hot topics in Higher Education:
The Innovation Landscape in Higher Educations >
Potential and Limitations of Microcredential >
SOC is joining a larger conversation and set of interlinked initiatives that are happening across the nation

Examples of current initiatives include:
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation – Talent Pipeline Management Initiative and Quality Pathways Initiative
- Lumina Foundation – Connecting Credentials Framework
- Connecting Credentials – Building Trust in Credentials
- American Council on Education (ACE) – Quality Dimensions for Connected Credentials
Institutions with credentials that meet participation standards in all four of these areas will earn a SOC Certified Designation
SOC Vetted Credential Designation:

- Defined Career Pathways: Has a progression model that helps Service members understand how they can start and progress within a high-growth career pathway based on their current skills, knowledge, and experience.
- Trusted, Quality Credentials: Offered by DoD Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) institutions that are aligned with a Career Pathway, have strong student outcomes using credential-level outcome benchmarks, and that demonstrate how curriculum closes employment skill and knowledge gaps.
- Stackable Credentials within a Career Pathway: Meet SOC Career Pathway Network criteria to define program-level articulation agreements to help Service members prepare for and promote within a career pathway.
- Prior Learning Assessment for Military Education: SOC will work with DoD MOU credential providers that are part of a Career Pathway Network to provide more transparency and consistency in how they award ACE recommended credits for prior military course and work experience.

SOC is currently launching its first Pilot Career Pathway in Cybersecurity and Silver Vetted Credentials. We look forward to co-creating with our pilot schools prior to opening up additional Career Pathways and will be sharing data from the pilot through our website and other DoD Voluntary Education sites soon.
Learn more about SOC's Modernization Strategy >
Learn more about SOC's Modernization Strategy >
To share your ideas, interest, and feedback about our Strategy or the first Career Pathway Pilot in Cybersecurity.